Saturday, 24 January 2009

Bird Numbers Falling in Wales

This weekend RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch is recording the nation's garden birds.
A report last Wednesday by RSPB Cymru's annual survey showed a decline in bird numbers in Wales.

Several species continue to decline, including curlews, golden plovers, starlings and yellowhammers. Some species - house sparrow, carrion crow, house martin, stonechat and the Dartford warbler however have increased. But the decline of the curlew and golden plover has been 80 - 90 % since 1993 and 1982 respectively.

So the overall picture in Wales is mixed, but the key finding is a continuing fall in total numbers of birds. This decline may be an effect of climate change.

Dr Sian Whitehead of the Countryside Council for Wales says: "Climate change is already impacting our bird life in Wales - causing changes in habitats and loss of food supplies for some species, while other, such as the Dartford warbler, are already benefiting."

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