Thursday, 5 March 2009

Living in Financial Armageddon

Today the Bank of England reduced interest rates to 0.5 % and introduced 'quantitative easing'.
Outside the Bank, Ian Dixon held a placard for the NSPU, the National Savers and Pensioners Union. He was made redundant last December. He said ' There's a lot of apathy now in this country. We're living in financial Armageddon, but people just seem to be accepting it.'

Exactly so.

Politicians and media all have the same message: get back to business as usual, as soon as possible. On offer is a bit of tinkering with better financial regulation, trimming bonuses for a while till we have forgotten, a bit of sticking plaster here and there; bailing out banks with public funds for a couple of years maybe, till they can be returned to the greedy fists of the banksters. And the politicians aren't to blame: it's a 'global' problem, stupid.

Truly, the wolves have an easy prey.

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