Sunday, 31 March 2013


The European Space Agency's Planck telescope has produced further important results, in addition to the new cosmic background radiation map published last week.

This new data is a mapping of the distribution of all matter in the universe.

It relates to the cosmic background radiation findings revealed last week by analysing tiny distortions in the early radiation caused as it passed matter on its journey here. Basically, it is an extension of the well-known gravitational lensing technique to cover the whole sky. The results are in agreement with those from the near universe using other techniques.

Only 15.5% of all matter in the universe is 'normal' atomic matter; the remaining 84.5% is the so-called 'dark matter'. In terms of the total matter / energy in the universe, 4.9% is 'normal' matter, 26.8% is dark matter, and 68.3% is dark energy.

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