Thursday, 31 July 2014


I have enjoyed Blackberrying for as long as I can remember, and still do. Last year the wild blackberry harvest was magnificent. This year looks at least as good, and starting earlier.

There is something deeply satisfying about picking blackberries. I know a quiet little lane aside a brook with thick prolific brambles both sides. The sheer numbers, more than enough for everyone and the birds and other wild creatures. You soon develop an efficient picking routine despite the thorns and nettles. Those berries just beyond easy reach always seem most desirable. As my jar fills, thoughts of blackberry jam, crumbles and fresh fruit linger.

This is a free resource. No notices about DO NOT PICK. Compare the expensive blackberries on the supermarket shelf, flown in from South America.

As I was picking yesterday, I got to thinking this is a sort of practical expression of the Commons. The common treasury for all. It's not only blackberries in my little lane; here there are sweet apples, plums and cob nuts soon ripening.


  1. Don't draw the government's attention to this or they'll look for a way to privatise it, perhaps by insisting you must have a licence issued at ridiculous expense by a private company.

    Jim Fisher

    1. You're right, Jim. Fortunately the land is owned by the council, and seems safe from building development. Recently they have planted a new community orchard nearby, involving local schoolchildren. It's been good to see people young and old, and of differing backgrounds, enjoying blackberrying. Our town has some lovely open spaces, and this one is really quite wild despite being only a mile or two from the town centre.


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